Law office of Patrick F.Bull

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Here are some additional law offices that may be of help to you. Florida Family Law Attorney Family Law Attorney in Las Vegas, NV Rockland County DUI Attorney Virginia Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyer New Jersey DWI Lawyer Woodland Hills, CA Personal…

Nursing Home Abuse

Here is yet another story of an elderly patient being abused by someone hired to help them. GAINES TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) — A 21-year-old caregiver is accused of throwing shoes and water at a 86-year-old patient, as well as threatening…

Dangerous Takata Air Bags Recalled

Defective Takata Air Bags The are a number of lawsuits now being filed concerning the Takata Air Bags. The Air Bags are “exploding” and sending metal shrapnel into passengers and drivers. Thus a person could survive a car crash and…

Massachusetts Car Accidents

Being in a Massachusetts car accident may cause major injuries, including neck and back injuries, head trauma, amputations and can result in long-term disability. Most insurance companies, who are committed to bring the highest profits for their shareholders, resort to…

Medical Malpractice

 Boston Medical Malpractice Attorney If you have been injured by a doctor or hospital in Massachusetts, look to the Law Office of Patrick Bull for help getting compensation for your injuries. You have the right to bring a malpractice claim…

Construction Accidents

A construction site can be an extremely hazardous work place. Construction workers must be aware of their surroundings at all times. Construction workers need to watch out for falling objects, be aware of moving hazards, all while getting the job…

Wrongful Death

Massachusetts Wrongful Death The death of a loved one is a profound and horrible event. The Law Office of Patrick Bull  realizes how important it is to provide its clients assistance with basic legal issues that arise after a death…