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Nursing Home Law

Massachusetts Nursing Home lawyer Patrick Bull will work with you to gather evidence including insurance information, medical records and more, all to help you stop the abuse / neglect and get compensation for the past abuses. Call the Law office of Patrick F. Bull for a free consultation.  Call 978-457-9090 today !!

Massachusetts Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse

Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect happens every day in throughout The United States, including here in Massachusetts. As the population continues to live longer, nursing home abuse and neglect will likely continue to grow. Though nursing home abuse and neglect will never be stopped, there are signs you can look for to prevent it or stop if from happening to a loved one.

The first step in preventing nursing home neglect or abuse is to know the potential signs. Nursing home abuse and neglect can be physical, emotional or simply negligence. Whatever the form of abuse/neglect that is occurring, nursing home neglect/abuse should be reported and concerns addressed as soon as possible. Due to a the age of those in nursing homes, acting quickly can mean the difference between life and death.

Some common warning signs that could indicate abuse or neglect at a Massachusetts nursing home are:

Physical Nursing Home Abuse

Emotional Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Neglect

If any you notice any of these warning signs of abuse or neglect, you should make a formal compliant with the nursing home’s staff and maintain a record of this complaint. You should also contact the Massachusetts Health and Human Services.

If the signs of abuse or neglect exist, or if your loved one mentions abuse or repeated neglect, you should contact the Law Office of Patrick Bull for a free consultation about a potential personal injury claim against the facility or its staff members. As a Massachusetts nursing home lawyer, attorney Patrick Bull can help you or your loved one get the compensation they deserve if they have been injued at a Massachusetts Nursing Home.